This girl went north Europ and she found that the view was totally different from west Europ where the place she lived. She said she loves people their and they are very friendly and kind.But I thought it was too normal to talk about a trip then i asked her is there something special in your trip.After she think for a while she told me she is a lesbian and she likes to go gay bar or lesbian bar for fun in her trip.Then i asked if she is willing to set this as her them for my project then it will be more specific and she said yes.So that i'm looking for her new photo and new story.(FIG01-02)
This guy travel to HK he meet a chief in a Japenese Resturant ,the chief asked him are their some Japenese Resturant in mainland China now? He said yes there are lot.Then the chief said what a big change! ......Actually i don't quite understans what he wants to say. Then i asked is he can tell me another story to me...(WHY SO MANY STRANGE STORYIS!!!)(FIG03-O4)
Another girl told me about her story which i thought it was a good story.She told me once she travel to Beijing she went to The echo wall and there were lot children their. They spoke to the wall and their parents answered at the other side of the wall.She wants to talk to somebody but no one answered.She felt lonely.I think it is quite specific to states the common situation when we travel alone.
In the next week i will collect all the stories and finish first draft of sketch!!!